California Health Interview Survey Training


For more information about CHIS and the training, see the flyer and description below:


What is CHIS? 

The California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) is the nation's largest state health survey and a critical source of data on Californians as well as on the state's various racial and ethnic groups. Policymakers, researchers, health experts, members of the media and others depend on CHIS for credible and comprehensive data on the health of Californians. To learn more about CHIS, watch this short video below. 

What will I be trained on?

You’ll learn these easy to use CHIS data tools and how to produce results you can use for planning, funding proposals, outreach, education, advocacy:

  • The Building Healthy Communities online health profiles specifically designed for BHC communities to obtain a snapshot of key CHIS survey findings to support local efforts. 

  • AskCHIS, which enables customized searches for county, region or statewide health statistics on a wide range of topics.

  • AskCHIS Neighborhood Edition provides health estimates for California's diverse populations on the top health indicators by zip code, city, county and legislative districts.

The training is tailored to local priorities including insurance coverage, children’s health, environmental health, disease prevention and healthy lifestyles and more.  You’ll learn how to obtain results for your community, how to interpret your results and how to graph and export data for reports and presentations. You’ll also have the opportunity to explore CHIS data systems to search for data of interest to your community.  Click here for a comprehensive list of CHIS 2015 survey topics. 


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  • Mid-City CAN (Community Advocacy Network)
    published this page in Events 2018-01-18 12:35:09 -0800

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