In November 2020 Measure B passed, what happens now?
In 2020, Mid-City CAN's Youth Council advocated for Measure B, charter amendment that establishes an independent community-led Commission on Police Practices (CPP) for the City of San Diego. This past election in November 2020, 75% of San Diegans voted to pass the measure. The new Commission will have its own staff, subpoena power, independent legal counsel, and the authority to investigate police officer misconduct, review complaints against officers, and make recommendations on police officer discipline, police policies, and Police Department legal compliance. The City Council's responsibility is now to deliver results on the voters' decision by ensuring the Commission reflects the communities impacted by policing, including our young people. After Measure B passed, San Diegans for Justice and the CRB Outreach Committee organized community roundtable discussions. Out of these discussions, these are the community demands for the CPP:
- Community Representation
- Transparency
- Access to Data
- No Conflicts of Interest
- Whistleblower Protections
On February 10th, Councilmember Montgomery Steppe motioned for the City Attorney to start drafting the ordinance for the Commission on Police Practices. Along with San Diegans for Justice, Women Occupy San Diego, and community, Mid-City CAN Youth Council will ensure the Commission includes commissioners from those communities that experience the most intrusive police interactions, such as warrantless stops, searches, and arrests. Since 2018, Youth Council has advocated for an independent commission on police practices that is reflective of and accountable to all San Diegans. Mid-City CAN's Youth Council joined San Diegans for Justice in this movement for police accountability because our Black, Indigenous, Communities of Color (BIPoC) must participate in systematic changes and police reform.
Let us know below if you support Youth Seats (ages 18-24) on the Commission on Police Practices. We will keep you updated with opportunities to get involved with our campaign.
Click Here to download Factsheet for the Funding of the CPP
Check out MCC's latest demands for the draft ordinance HERE.