PRONTO Card Verification

PRONTO verification video

Hello youth! A friendly reminder to get your Youth Opportunity Pass (YOP) PRONTO Card account verified to continue riding at no cost!

Youth 18 and under: In order to keep riding for FREE on the bus, trolley, COASTER, and SPRINTER, be sure to verify your YOP account before March 31, 2025. Watch the video below to see how easy it is to verify your account!

English / Español en la parte de abajo

NOTE: To make the video bigger, click the square icon on the bottom right of the video to make it full screen.

Verify and Set Up you PRONTO Account / Español en la parte de abajo



NOTA: Para aumentar el tamaño del vídeo, haz clic en el icono cuadrado situado en la parte derecha hacia abajo del vídeo para que aparezca a pantalla completa.

Verifique y Configure su cuenta PRONTO

Instructions SPA


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Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.