Youth Opportunity Pass opens doors to opportunity
By Keila Menjivar Zamora, Mid-City CAN Intern
In the heart of City Heights, Jannette Sánchez, a member of Mid-City CAN’s Improving Transportation in City Heights (ITCH) team and mother of five, is making a difference. Her journey with the Youth Opportunity Pass (YOP) has impacted her life and the lives of thousands in her community.
One day while riding the bus Jannette witnessed several youth who entered but had to exit the bus. Upon learning that they didn't have PRONTO cards Jannette approached the youth and gave them her extra cards so they could get to their destination. She also told passengers where to go if they needed PRONTO cards.
Before the introduction of YOP, Jannette and her family faced significant transportation challenges. They often walked to their destinations, as the cost of public transportation was outside their budget.
“Many think, ‘how much can $2.50 be?’ But for us, there are times that we don’t have a single dollar,” she said in Spanish.
High school senior Adalynn Tapia relies on her YOP PRONTO card to attend school and participate in extracurricular activities, including Mid-City CAN’s summer Artivism program. YOP has provided Adalynn with unlimited transit access, enabling her to pursue her academic and artistic interests.
“(YOP) has made it easier to go places,” she said. “$2.50 per bus adds up a lot when you’re trying to go from bus to trolley to bus again. If you’re going somewhere every single day, that's a lot of money you're going to spend.”
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