Integrated Voter Engagement Campaign

IVE campaign

For City Heights residents, voting is more than a civic duty — it's a chance to shape their community’s future. In the fall of 2024, Civic Health's Integrated Voter Engagement team hosted a “Know Your Ballot” event at Wilson Middle School and led a workshop on the youth vote at the Youth Changemakers Summit. The team canvassed and called community members to remind them to Get Out the Vote, engaging with 1,191 residents. Read more.

Get Out The Vote Campaign

Thank you to our amazing Get Out the Vote Neighborhood Captains and Civic Engagement Team Leads for their tremendous effort to make sure that City Heights residents vote during the March Presidential Primary Election! The GOTV team knocked on 6,363 doors and surveyed 541 City Heights voters.


411 City Heights voters said they already voted or will vote while 418 said that they would support transit measures which would include funding for the Youth Opportunity Pass. The team also made 9,993 total phone calls and successfully reached 280 City Heights voters.


"We had an enthusiastic and hard-working team, and we appreciate the important work they did to ensure the voices of City Heights residents are heard. It was a pleasure to work with every one of them," said Lexxus Carter, Civic Engagement Program Director.


Get Ready for the November 2022 General Election!

The Civic Engagement team kicked off its Integrated Voter Engagement (IVE) campaign to get residents prepared for the November California General Election! We'll be canvassing and phone banking to reach City Heights voters and residents to ensure they know where to cast their vote. The team will educate residents on recent changes due to the Voters Choice Act (VCA) and serve as a trusted information resource and be available to answer any questions.

Check out the Public Service Announcement video that our Neighborhood Captains recorded at the Idea Lab in City Heights with Juan Lopez of Media Arts Center.

In conjunction with the IVE program, Civic Engagement hosted a “Boba and Ballot” community event on October 22 at Cafe X! Community speakers Mohammad Rahimi of CAIR San Diego, Aidan Lin of Our Time to Act United, and Oscar Rendon of Youth Will discussed the ballot measures, the importance of voting, and answered questions from the audience. View photos and a video from the event by clicking here.

The team will continue canvassing and phone banking until the November 8 California General Election. Say hi to these hardworking captains when you see them in your neighborhood!

Useful Voting Resources

If you have any questions about voting, please visit the Civic Engagement Voter Resources page:


Get Out the Vote 2022 Team Meets Outreach Goals

Congratulations to our 2022 Get Out The Vote field team for meeting their voter outreach goals! 

Voter registration and voter engagement are critical power-building strategies for Mid-City CAN. By registering and encouraging people who don’t normally vote to participate, we are building a stronger and more robust democracy. Increasing the number of voters in City Heights also ensures that City Heights becomes more powerful, that resources are invested more equitably in the community, and that residents' needs are taken seriously by decision-makers. The voters who chose to, are then linked to Momentum Team campaigns where they can actively engage on the issues critical to their daily lives.

Useful Voting Resources

Visit the Civic Engagement Voter Resources page:

Civic Engagement Hosts Boba and Ballot Event

Boba and Ballot

Thank you to everyone who came out for our first Boba and Ballot event last Saturday on October 22, 2022 at Cafe X: By Any Beans Necessary. Thank you to our sponsor Scholars Strategy Network.

This youth-centered event gave voters a better understanding of the measures and propositions on the ballot while guests enjoyed free boba and food! Thank you to all of our wonderful speakers!

Boba and Ballot team

View photos and a video of Boba and Ballot by clicking here.

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  • Ron Sanchez
    published this page in Civic Health 2024-03-17 22:43:32 -0700