Join the City Council meeting live stream bit.ly/SDLivestream
Meeting starts at 6 P.M. please monitor the meeting to call in for Item XXX , follow us on Twitter @midcitycan for live updates
1) Join Mid-City CAN Youth Council at City Hall on May 1st
- RSVP below, meet Youth Council and MCC Youth Organizer Victor at the MCC office: 4305 University Ave Suite 550
- A bus will transport MCC volunteers to the City Council meeting at 5:15 P.M. or meet us at City Council at 6 P.M.
2) Give Virtual Public Comment:
- Join the zoom link: https://sandiego.zoomgov.com/j/160780774
- When Item XXX is announced, raise your hand on the zoom app
- When it’s your turn, say your name, and tell the City Council to fund the revitalization of Officer Henwood Park
- You will have a 1-minute to speak, Spanish interpretation is available upon request
3) Submit written e-comment:
- At https://www.sandiego.gov/city-clerk/agenda-comment-form
- Comments should be submitted before 11 A.M. on May 1
- Comment Type: City Council Comment
- Agenda Item Number: xxx
My name is ______ and I support agenda item _______ in solidarity with the Mid-City CAN Youth Council and the Office Henwood Park in City Heights. I urge City Council to include the 2.5M in their May Budget memo and final budget. I am support the revitalization of the Officer Henwood park because ---(see optional talking points below)---. Thank you for the consideration.
Park Revitalization Talking Points
In City Heights we now have about 500 new residents due to the new housing developments. About half of the 500 residents are youth aged 18 and younger. Henwood Park is the closest green and closest family space available to them.
Construction of another 117 new housing units will be built in City heights within the next few years, some to break ground this year, bringing a greater need to provide green spaces for families to enjoy throughout the year.
Our team has identified key stakeholders to ensure that our project is completed in a timely manner that honors our community. So, we are confident that the design process will go well and we will have Conceptual Design in the next few months. As a result, we are asking for funding to continue moving the project forward.
This park is the heart of City Heights. It draws thousands of visitors to numerous events, tournaments, and daily visits. For example, according to SD Parks Foundation the Parks After Dark event alone brought 3,950 people in July and 3,825 people in August to Henwood Park. A total of 7,775 people.
The park is located in zip code 92105. According to the Office of Child & Youth Success Master Plan, 5% of all of San Diego’s children and youth live in this zip code. Is the second highest concentration of youth and children in San Diego. We need a GOOD PARK.
202 C St
12th Floor
San Diego, CA 92101
United States
Google map and directions
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